ArtsNational Northern Rivers | Discover Ballina

ArtsNational Northern Rivers

ArtsNational Northern Rivers



ArtsNational is the business name of the Association of Australian Decorative and Fine Arts Societies (The Association).

It is a not-for-profit, membership-based organisation of 36 societies throughout Australia connecting people who share an interest in the arts and culture.

These societies are incorporated bodies operating independently at the local level and collaboratively at the national level, to benefit from centrally organised touring lecture programs and activities.

A I Hall Bangalow

The local society ArtsNational Northern Rivers holds a series of lectures in the A & I Hal, Station Street, Bangalow
What we do:
· Educate/inform/entertain members and guests via an annual lecture series with International and Australian experts, supplemented by additional interactive arts related activities.
· Provide financial support and cultivate interest to help young Australians engage with the arts.

Support and participate in cultural and heritage research projects.

 Provide a web presence and digital publications.

arts national 1 advert

ArtsNational Northern Rivers welcomes you.

We encourage young and emerging artists from within our local community and are committed to the conservation and preservation of Australia’s heritage.

Together as one community around Australia, we encourage multi-generational interest in the arts and contribute to wider engagement in and enjoyment of the arts.

More information and a full list of programs available HERE

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